of a retail nature.
i swear she brings out the worst - or best, depending on your prespective - in me. except that the discipline and will power (to resist, specifically) she possesses is not actually transferrable. mind you, she
encourages me. like i need any.
i think she induces the best kind of worst.
okok. so that's my warped sense of justification and complete lack of shopping consciousness talking.
if any excuse will do, will the excuse of having no excuse work?
what do you do when prevention and cure both fail? i mean she even brings along an exceedingly patient bag carrier-liquid replenisher. how can a girl say no?
Escapees from the Asylum for the Shoppingly Unsound, sufferers from Spending Money We Don't Have Addiction, who "habitually contribute to the Australian economy."*
* Dr Terence Heng, quoted with permission from his to-be published book How to say NO