Monday, August 15, 2005


like a cute cuddly teddy

cuddly for the fluffy woolie warmers
fuzzy socks oversized jumper clumsy gloves

teddy for the dangerously illegal multilayers and bloaty tummy
ballooningpregnant goldfish style, add flapdash of penguin, chunkypinch of kuih lapis

ok scrape the cute

stuffed from olivevinegardrizzleoncuredmeatscheeseroastedvegies
bakedeggsliceantipastogreeksaladcaramellatte lunch good fun lizzie then freshbakedbreadlashingsofbutterpotterhouse
chunkyfriessaladside dinner piggy partners T and B topped with chocolateicecreammoussecookiemuffinchocieshotchoc
kokoblackoverdose over girly chittychat with miss B
good to have you visit! loved indulging our earring addiction together. dangle on, girl. *wink*


Anonymous said...

didint know you blogged! WOMAN!!! -isaac-

Anonymous said...

what is this??
no announcement you have started a blog?
anyway, i'm finally coming down to melb..haha. don't get excited. only in june 2006

joyfulglee said...

shucks sook, and i was on the verge of wetting my pants.

ah well, never too late!!! talk about building up anticipation...

isaac: so how did you find out? ;) haha, nahh, since i do so so sporadically, no point shouting it off the rooftops yea?