Tuesday, October 11, 2005

wake me from this cloying daze

strap me in blinders

has anyone ever noticed how under the sauve umbrella of the shiny big band, you can get away with just about anything?

the cheeky become cheeky with class
the sensual, classily sensual
the sleazey, charmingly sleazey yeah sure dirtbag but oh so charming
the wretched, so so wretched so so dignified, so tastefully distraught

if life were a glitzy song...


the case for the analog camera

to leave to fate, let go some control
to be deliciously paranoid, take another four
to be surprised, shocked, mesmerised, stunned
to live with content - mess, rest, think less
to catch the spur, not architect fiction

there is something strangely satsifying

because i love them tangible
and because, after awhile
the knowledge of digital prints i could but never make
is not enough
like sex on the kitchen floor that never was


wicked humour

someone knock me senseless
i'm extending the invitation


a case of MaLing spam

which, from the can, comes cylindrical

cut in half, then slice rainbowstyle
or carve manysized rectanglestyle

the first, so seems, fair slice for all
the last, better fit in sandwichpaws


carte blanche

so insists man
who chose also
clove cleft and cleaved
the past, he thinks, to be for cleave
for split divide
sever'd by axe or butcher's knife

but wait -
stand by
hold up
sit tight
cleave to i say
stick fast
stick tight
adhere attach
that's right - abide
hold on hold on
with all your might

yes i say
the clove tis true
are bulbs which stick
to make it one, and make it big
the cloven hoof despite - no trick
a foot that's split -

confusing, how sick

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