Wednesday, January 18, 2006

night before

for the record (for ian's anyway) the answer is no.


and that last thing you said? i'll remember that, for the record. mister MW. (i'd say what it is, but that's exactly what you'd like isn't it, you W types... why i know, is another thing altogether)

on a completely random note, and also for the record just 'cause i'm on a pattern here, i sure am glad to leave behind my mosquitoplagued skin and reacquaint myself with thatwhichalmostneverseesthesun skin.

signing off from kl, nights out with midoricranberry's here i come!

i'm off to sit by a window and try and will it to pour no end (the rolling thunder is being such a tease) one last time before i leave. toodles.

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