Sunday, January 08, 2006

of feelings and such

i wonder from time to time why it is we're capable of mixed feelings. yes, i know the one playing a part in defining the other argument - it is happiness which makes sadness sad, for without happiness, how would we know to compare its opposite state and thus feel sad when we do yadda yadda. but that's not what i'm talking 'bout. i mean concurrently opposing feelings. bittersweet. pleasurepain. lovehate. in some way, the argument is the same. bitterness makes the sweet sweeter. pleasure makes the pain more real. you can only hate with such viciousness someone you love so much. i get it. we walk a fine line of paradox in life.

actually, i like paradoxes. ironies. simultaneous counters. i like it so much, in fact, i have to try hard not to be crassly obvious when using them in writing. that, and my creative writing lecturer had little or no appreciation for it. meaning, basically, i got marked down for it. several times too many (hoohum, creative license mah ass).

still, life would be a whole lot simpler if it were straightforward (and for those of you would-be but life is so beautiful the way it is, with all its complexities and challenges - do. not. start. ignorance is bliss. oblivion, better still).

if we weren't so pulled apart by incompatible feeling, things would be a hell of a lot more easy. i swear blondes have it better. and not because they have more fun or are more attractive.

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