Friday, February 10, 2006


omg i'm back in action, if only temporarily - insisted mum send me my cable, and lugged this brick of a laptop over to T's to ride on the connection - and so. much. has happened. i don't know where to begin.

i don't think i can go on about details in fact. i'm still recovering. and bracing myself for everything else that's coming. but in a nutshell, and in no particular order, since they pretty much happened all at once:

work at chiro.

moving house. meaning packing. and cleaning. and then cleaning. and unpacking.

bridesmaidly duties with sue.

scouting for white goods and furniture on a budget.

work at collins.

cny eve dinner.

cny bbq lunch/pool cool off. cny dinner.

dress hunt. dresses really.

packing. packing. organizing.

shifting x-number of car loads of my no it's not junk!

torture anything male in wedding entourage. tea ceremony. wedding eve dinner.

keryn and joseph's wedding - can't get over just how much inevitablylastminute stuff there is too do - which was beautiful, photos when i have the energy and time.

juggling between three houses.

shifting more car loads of yes i really do need that too!

trying to remember where the hell you put stuff between the three houses, which you know you know. except for the time when you need them.

work at collins.

work at chiro.

still scouting for white goods and furniture.

doing all sorts of yukky shiftinghouseadministration.

did i mention i went for my cousin's wedding in jan when i got back, and have 3 in total, in feb? don't get me started on the number of weddings there are this year. (i have nothing against weddings - they're fun to get ridiculouslybusywith and dressedupfor, but wth i don't work to give out angpows dammit) and for those of you thinking it, no, this is not a sign. i know who you are - zip it.

mega photo dump to come, promise.

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