Friday, March 03, 2006

the cuff-clock clash

I have encountered a problem I know not how to correct. It appears to be, that cuffs – French, in particular, or mine at any rate – have taken a serious dislike to watches. For the life of me, I cannot seem to make them cooperate to any form of harmonious cohabitation on my poor left wrist. Subsequently, I’ve succumbed to a very bad and, I hope, brief arrangement of going without my watch. In defence of both, I don’t think the cuffs are any more fitted than normal, nor is my watch particularly chunky. Yes, I have tried using different watches, and no, it didn’t work.

Any help or advice I’d take gratefully.


Anonymous said...

buy japanese-made shirts! apparently, their watch shows their status.. so, the left cuff is usually bigger(?) than the right!!

joyfulglee said...

cool! ...but are they french cuff, and where do you get them?