Friday, May 26, 2006

Editor's Nightmare

I had my reservations the moment I saw my veryvery bored friends succumb to this dictionary-shmuckionary. It defined kimberly chin [noun]: A person who enjoys the smell of rotten eggs, and devil_undercover [noun]: A deadly strain of projectile vomit.


Much later, on a particularly blue note and grasping for distraction, I tried it out and got joy wong [adjective]: Similar to butter in texture and appearance.

Completely baffled, I did some sleuthing, and sniffed up that, on top of supposedly being er, butter, I was also *drumroll*...

[adjective]: Sexually stunning
[noun]: A dance involving little to no clothing
[noun]: A master of storytelling
[noun]: A person who is a master of making ravioli
[adjective]: Fuzzy to the touch
[noun]: An immortal
[noun]: A person who is constantly high

What am I, some constantly-evolving alien-organism? But my favourite - and the only one if-at-all accurate - is:

joy wong --

Pretentiously academian

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Really, with all the nonsense to be found out there, it's no wonder intelligence is not high on the ratings these days. At least now I'm a slightly lighter shade of aqua, and by my own infinite wisdom, consider myself [adjective]: highly intelligent. Maybe I'll work on that ravioli one.


Anonymous said...

U also damn bored huh! ahhaah
Sadly now, I am some sort of freak that kicks testicles and has a fart-smelling fetish.

joyfulglee said...

Just wanting distraction...

Anonymous said...

ish. useless... chat with people, and ask to remove Xanga lock, but don't give out your own blog add.


Oh.. I got sexually stunning, too, which I have since moved to protected, hahaha.

Next tiem I'll just email you the protected posts.