Friday, August 18, 2006

Doll Day

before it got crowded and shovy
Damn, I look like I've been drinking even without trying.
(For the record, no the guys didn't sneak in alcohol,
as they originally planned)
bah & joy
Ahhh, better.
This is while the only thing that's heating things up are the
blasted weather and growing crowd.
Early on, while everyone's still fresh, and the boys are not yet rowdy and chantin-- er, nevermind what they were chanting.
the girls 2
The girls sneak in a photo before it got all shovy.
Clearly, the party is yet to begin.
Yup, we're pretty much ignoring the opening act. And yep, we're already drenched. Sticky hair is so not cool.
Still ignoring. And looking happier than we really are -
the wait was long, and the heat, insane.
Finally. Lights flash, the girls strut out, fireworks explode,
and the crowd goes wild!
pcd 2
Who's got the pussycat fever, who?
(I want any one of those abs... sob)
pcd 4
In the blue light, there were many a teaser moment.
As there were many a hopeful puppy.
Like I said, many a moment. The girls get cutesy on screen.
Bop! Bop! Bop!
Rats, why is it so blur here? Grrr.

She's a tease, but she can please!
Nic's got the crowd - guys and girls - wrapped round her lil' finger.
pcd 3
The dolls turning up the wild. You have no idea how hard it was to get clear shots, that's how much they were shakin' movin' groovin'.
cams & skin
You gotta give it to them - love 'em or hate 'em,
they've got all the attention!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


It's been awhile. Something like two weeks; fourteen days; half a month... gosh, the days just seem to whizz by. So much to say, so little that's truly significant. I guess life's been little pieces of here and there: getting organized for uni, and still at it, and for work also, ultimate immersion of all things wedding (not mine), not to mention big burning of hole in pocket towards said immersion, considering the options to making most income possible to supplement quickly expiring finances, wondering what a different life would be like, wondering if I am only ever wishful but without the guts to do more than wonder, grinding my teeth hard at backneckheadaches that just won't go away, and other such orgasmic events.

If life really is what one makes it to be, then is my life only what it is because I don't make it more? What holds one back from more? Maybe it's fear - fear of unacceptance, fear of taking risks and failing, fear of having to give up something in place of something else. Maybe it's the fear of losing... losing out, losing face, losing what you already have, losing an already precarious sense of self, losing yourself to the unknown, losing your chance at getting just a little more of what it is that isn't yours to lose in the first place. That, and being unable to lose the fears. Whatever it is, having limited resources (yes, I mean money) sure doesn't help.

On a looking-on-the-brighter-side (I think) note, I'm busy every bleeding Saturday in September.

Rats, I really need to get a (third) more reliable, consistently-paying job.


What's sardonically funny and painfully sad at the same time, is the fact that people keep asking me. Like we're actually close. Like I know anything of relevance. I wish they were right, those people. That I did know something. Something, anything... anything at all.


And of course, I have - no surprise now - photos. Of concert with B, and of probably one of the best days yet since I've been back, hanging with Missa and Fie. And um, the unwanted company of many an evil pigeon. Up soon!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Over the Weekend in Photos

Delicious Time
bird cage lights
Light delight
Shining through the bars at Delicious
where there's food
Where there's food...
There's Vern!
vern & steve
Somebody wanted to make a point to Melburnians
about just how much fun you can too have back home
joy & vern
First, he ruffled feathers about my being too busy for him
Then, he backed out of our appointment because he didn't have the confidence to drive to my place. Talk some more la...
joy & steven
Mr Business Man whizzing from country to country
Don't forget to whizz by here as promised!
bird cage lights
I'm a bit obsessed by the pretty things
And the notion of Imprisoned Light

Leisurely Laze
Slurp-a-slurpin' on unhealthy cream soup
and a-munchin' unhealthy puff pastry - Yum!
I overheard the waitress serving us getting a mock telling-off
from a waiter for not calling on him to serve us instead.
Then, he gave us free biscotti, sent to our table by an understudy!
Oops. Not sure who influenced who,
But when you find a good thing - on sale! - grab it!

Transport Hell turns Bonus Time with the Hainan
Malaysian Driving at its Best
Hey, we gotta do somethin' when it jams no end, right?
steph driving
I'm not complaining one bit
She saved me from local-transport utter ineffeciency, and etiquetteless baffoons.

Mamak Moments
joy bel
Lil' Miss Infectious Giggle
Causing nose bleeds the world over
isaac shmisac
Isaac Shmisac is all grown up
But if your status is as is this time next year, I'm calling the mail-order bride service

Putrajaya (a)Maze(ment)
bel & joy
My driver and company
Owe you a big one, babe!
The only non-aesthetic value bridgeybridge had for us
Was to remind us we'd pass it again. And again.
And... you get the idea.
liberty's pick
If Miss Statue of Liberty were here
She'd be spoilt for choice! ;P
curly light
Curly light, what a sight!
Wonder if the birds ever get confused, haha.
curvy lights
Look at the curvy street and traffic lights!
Made me feel like I was in Willy Wonka Land!
palace of justice
The Palace of Justice
Piggy goes for a ride
Through the maze of smart archi (but maze no less!)
gone all shy
Uh oh. All of a sudden... someone's gone shy
Grilling session in progress, perhaps? :D I'll never tell...
seeing through new eyes
Seeing through new eyes?
Perhaps not such a bad thing after my endless search upon search for frames
new frames
Finally - I find something at long last! Waddaya think?
Here, you can also see why my dad sometimes says I have Pixie Ears.

H1 Happenings
3 picks
Three picks - which would you choose?
The beers, I mean. The beers.
method fail
Starting the night with alcohol, teehee.
Though here, Steph demonstrates pouring Method Fail
method fix
She quickly covers and attacks the problem with Method Fix
Note how she reaches for the bottle and has pushed the mug of froth to Jack
the group
At last, the group sits down
Totally famished
sel & aaron
Sel and Aaron
Give their best cheesy smiles
stephie joy wc
Stefunny - one of the girls I've spent the most time in the Water Closet with; WC - one of the funniest guys I know
Three choices times two!
Fatty sauces nyam nyam nyam!
joy & jon
With JonJon
One second after this, we savagely attacked our food
this big
Boy oh boy!
The captions I could come up for this!
So Steph and I are Hainanese, my dad and her aunt were classmates, her aunt and Sel's mum are best friends, and Sel's dad has meets with mine sometimes. In fact, he meets Steph's aunt on occasion, too. Frankly, the links scare me a bit.
Nyehhh. Has Moochie Face Thomas been hanging too much around Moochie Face Wang, or is it the other way around?
the blurs
Reunited with my Photo Buddy! To be technically correct, she was my photo bug - she infected me, and there was no turning back. Hee.
Eh, Miss Cheater who's standing on her toes: why is this shot blur?
gazillionth try
We got this photo after a gazillion tries!
Don't know why Aaron is doing some macha pose over yonder.