Sunday, October 15, 2006

Merry Monkeys

Keryn is a blast - I love the girl for many reasons, not least because she is one after my own heart. For instance, like when she suggested we do something on the night of the mooncake festival a couple of weeks ago. And she mentioned playing lanterns. And getting high on mooncake. Again, as she had me grinning stupidly while we were hatched the night's plans regarding who was to do/get what and call whom, via many an sms. And because she gave me reason to merrily go a-hunting in Chinatown for the night's props. And especially because I was so wanting to do so in the first place, but the boy paid no attention to my very unsubtle hints.

Actually, he did technically pay attention to it. He dismissed my happy-bubble-lantern-thoughts with much disinterest. Until I was saved by the (sms) beep. And lo and behold:

Imagine my delight when I later discovered these photos! They were unplanned and by no means prechoreographed. (We knew photos were being taken, of course, but not how many or when, as we felicitously mucked around.) Just goes to show how our minds are wired one and the same in many ways.

Give us an excuse, and we'll be at it in a heartbeat!

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