Thursday, November 01, 2007

Hoorah! past the bump in the road

Yesterday, I wanted to blog on Wanting Anonymity, because I would be free to rant about the outright injustice and lack of basic ethics to which I had the misfortune of being right in the center of. One part of me was spilling to tell all, for I had little doubt as to how blatantly wrong they were, outraged at how crafty they tried to get away with being, and spewing at their boldness of it all.

The other part of me -- that part which just wanted to get them for being so corrupt and irresponsible -- wanted anything but anonymity; I was ready to expose them for the convicts that they are.

Long story short, today I am blogging about Victory, for through much talk and advise, prayer and countless rehearsal, interrupted sleep and very painful stress gastric attacks, I stood up for myself. And I am very, very proud of me.

The battle has only begun; they might drag it out, or drop it, and I may be but one against a giant, but I am emboldened, at least for today, and nothing is going to stop me now that I have taken them on.

If nothing else, there are lessons to be learnt. Yes, this is a story with a moral at the end. I'm pleased as punch I found the courage to speak up when it matters, especially when it's hard. And I am grateful to be reminded of what it means to have true friends, and thankful I have them backing me up, and being my backbone unconditionally until I grew some spine of my own.

It is good to have others who are of like mind as you. In K's words, it is edifying.

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