Tuesday, January 01, 2008

NYD '08: first minute mullings

2008 marks unquestionably that I have now entered the realm of adulthood, those markers not altogether being deliberate nor unintentional nor of my direct involvement, but because they are parts of life which go on as it does whether you are ready for them or not.

2006 was the year of the weddings; I witnessed eight.

In 2007 - what else - we welcomed new life. All seven to be exact.

This year, we expect another 4, and who's to say there aren't more already in the works?

Am I excited? Yes. Freaked out? You bet.

Do I need to learn to be less of a control freak to really live? Will being less compartmentalize actually make me more happy? Am I not ready, is it just denial? Do my managing mechanisms and coping capabilities need oiling, and what do I do when it is so easy just to give in? Is giving in even bad, or just thought to be unacceptable from social conditioning? Will I learn the balance of contentment, too much being the weed of motivation, too little being the seed of discontent?

I know, I mull.

But I'm taking in the good with the not so good, and making note to remember that things are really, in the end, what you make of them.

This year, I have no lofty resolutions, only this: I know I'm flawed, but that's not stopping me. My frequency may need some work; adjusting in progress.

Life, anyone?


Anonymous said...

happy new year miss. *hugs* i'll remind you to be less of a control freak if you'll remind me to stop putting my brain into overdrive.

joyfulglee said...

Hey girl, trust your year is going well thus far.

Brain in overdrive -- now ain't that the way. Fodder for writing doesn't come from nowhere now, my dear.