Thursday, May 04, 2006

I like

long showers. Short baths. Both very hot.
not, that when drinking, I can't seem to swallow without also swallowing a lot of air.
(mostly) all colour of clothes. But the good old b&w tones for corporate wear.
kettles of fish more than schools.
word play. The-rapist thera-pist psycho-logist psych-o-maniac.
nay, love, logic. But hate math.
shopping. Especially for clothes, shoes, homeware, cds, bags, food, jewellry, artstuff, chocolates, books, lingerie, kitchenware, nice things. Who am I kidding. I love shopping.
cooked apple. Pie. Strudel. Cider. You cook it, I like it.
animals. Spiders.
coffee. Tea. Caffeine, simply.
soups. Chinese. Eastern. Western. Except pumpkin.
spoiling people.
friends who say boom bada bada bing.
Calvin & Hobbes.
organizing. And planning.
rain very very much.
thunderstorms, too.
the beach, the sea. Seashells. Sea breeze. Ocean spray.
taking photos.
that I don't care I'm narcissistic.

1 comment:

Alan said...

If you like spoiling people can you spoil me???