Monday, December 17, 2007

Grad Ball

RMH celebrates with their graduates at the Melbourne Aquarium. Yes, they served fish, and no, there were no emergencies requiring CPR.

T & Anna
T with Anna
The girl is so funny, I love her!
The group's post-grads
Han Shin, Anna, Lyra
T and the girls
And one with Alison
to make up the girls
T Joy Andrew
Add Andrew
The brainy one with a head of curls
T Andrew Alison Steve
And Steve
Who does a "special eye trick"
T & Matt
And Matt
Another one blessed with IQ to the sky
Joy Lyra Al
And I'm in the midst of
Joy Anna HS
Another one with the girls
Because one can never have enough
HS Joy T Lyra
Dusk turns to night
And we're still going
Sidney & Anne
With Sidney and Anne
Because we can ;D
say cheese!
The boy in suit and tie
He's smiling but he'd rather die
Jehan & Soma
Hangin' with Jehan and Soma
For four times the smiles
Soma & Joy
One of the ever patient, wonderfully
understanding supporters
Hengster & Blackdeath
And one of Hengster and Blackdeath
Grinning doctors, they are
Matt & Andrew
To cap off, the doctors Matt and Andrew
And some bunny ears

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